"Artists’ Book Fair Liverpool" and "WRAPPED and encased IN LIVERPOOL 08"‏

I'll be represented in "Artists’ Book Fair Liverpool" and I'll be collaborating with All Brain at "WRAPPED and encased IN LIVERPOOL 08"during this weekend.


It's a cardboard envelop life story.
As an envelope, it served to transport some content, we don't know from where and neither the destination where it was going...
The content this envelope transported in the past was so special to the person who received it, that became a very important object.
The object acquired a special meaning. The strong ties between person and object took to a constant presence in his life.
Objects can be impregnated with presence. Metonymic object is a presence or an absence. Every object touched by the loved being's body, touched by the person whom we are mourning, transform itself, becomes part of that body, the subject attaches himself to it. Gestures of fetishism. It will impregnate everything it comes in contact with. Memories. Sentimentality.

Later, when its function was finished, its life as container no longer existed, was prepared to keep functioning in some way...

A new life begun. Living in a rural environment, it was transformed as basis on top of a stone, to serve as a seat, where is owner would rest in the end of a hard work day.

Ana Efe+All Brain 2008

"Artists’ Book Fair Liverpool" and "WRAPPED and encased IN LIVERPOOL 08"‏

and encased IN LIVERPOOL 08

An exhibition of envelopes
as containers and messengers
Curated by Sophie Loss and Mary Yacoob

As part of the Artists’ Book Fair Liverpool
Coordinated by Emily Speed
15th and 16th November 2008

Saturday 12 – 5pm, Sunday 11 – 4pm

Envelopes >>> evocative objects >>> containers ,messengers, witnesses >>> they hide and disclose >>> hint at communication >>> secret networks and allusions >>> postal system >>> icons on mobile phones >>> their content invisible >>> symbol for the pre internet era. This is a group show presenting an installation housed in a gallery space. The gallery has been remodeled into domestic setting which acts as a container for envelopes and their insides. The artists selected for this show examine the formal aspect and the conceptual possibilities of the medium. The multiplicity of directions explored by individual artists reflects their practices and creates a whole which is complex, textured and fun.

Artists include:
Francisca Aninat, Oliver Bragg, All Brain and Ana Efe, Matt Blackler, Marco Cali , Ambra Caminito, Dawn Carey Jones, Barbara Crawford, Anka Dabrowska, Sara Dell Onze, Claire Dorsett, Gin Dunscombe, Gemma Cumming, Margaret Fletcher, Cat Forward, Mark Gallay, Nat Gillespie, Judy Goldhill, Jane Grisewood, Hammer A Nail, Lucy Harvey, Barry Hobson, Holestar, Noe Kidder, Kasia Kwiatkowska, Philip Lee, Heidi Locher, Veronica Perez Karleson, Jane Lim, Sophie Loss, Kate Lynch, Sarah Males, Rachel Marsden, Paul Matosic, Rachel Overfield, Steve Perfect, Waldemar Pranckiewicz, Kate Russo, Lorna Robertson, Jodie Sadler, Hana Sakuma, Aine Scannell, seekers of lice, Veronika Spierenburg, Abigail Thomas, Rachel Travis, Cally Trench, Matthew Verdon, Matthew Wells, Kay Williamson, Mary Yacoob, Charlotte Young

Wolstenholme Projects, 11 Wolstenholme Square, Liverpool, L1 4JJ

The Artists’ Book Fair Liverpool will take place in a beautiful, if slightly dilapidated Georgian ex-textiles warehouse at 11 Wolstenholme Square.
The Fair will be on two floors with twenty-nine book artists’ tables, a reading corner, performance space, screenings of artists' shorts and of course, tea and cake.

Saturday15th November 12 – 5
Sunday16th November 11 – 4

11Wolstenholme Square


Free Admission


I'm going to participate in the group AM Bruno which will be at the Third Manchester Artist Book Fair on Saturday 8th November
The Liverpool Artist Book Fair on 15/16 November.



Artists: Marco Cali, Nancy Campbell , Sara Dell'onze, Claire Deniau, Ana Efe, Francesca Galeazzi, Judy Goldhill, Jane Grisewood, Heather James, Anna Johnson, Phillip Lee, Heidi Locher, Sophie Loss, Penny Matheson , Cally Trench, Paula Naughton, Alvin Watt, Mary Yacoob

Hope you can join us at these events.

The Third Manchester Artists' Book Fair
Saturday 8th November 2008
10am - 10.45am Guest Speaker
11am - 5.30pm Fair open to the public
11am - 4pm MMU Artists' Books special collection open
Sir Kenneth Green Library and Holden GalleryManchester School of ArtManchester Metropolitan UniversityAll Saints CampusOxford RoadManchester
Guest Speaker Neil Crawford on Artist Book Collecting,10am in the Sir Kenneth Green Library
Fair opens 11.00am in the Holden Gallery, Grosvenor Building
45 stands and the MMU special collection of artists' books



Free Admission

"you won this item"

Está patente na Livraria Index no Porto até 11 de Novembro, uma exposição colectiva a propósito do III Aniversário da mesma, onde participo em colaboração com "All Brain", com a instalação "You won this item".

Uma instalação de Ana Efe+ All Brain

“You Won This Item” é uma instalação resultante de seis meses de pesquisa de miniaturas automóveis com cerca de 7cm, num conceituado site de leilões da internet.
Numa sociedade em que tudo adquiriu “preço”, atentamos na capacidade das pessoas, neste caso indivíduos residentes na Europa, para atribuírem preços às memórias de infância.
A escolha recaiu nas miniaturas automóveis, dado que acompanham toda a infância, e sobrevalorizam-se em relação ao produto inicial e meramente comercial, presença constante das brincadeiras de casa, de rua, e de trocas. O início dos primeiros negócios, onde são negociadas parte das memórias, por assim dizer, o objecto/brinquedo que permitiu corridas alucinantes ou apenas a criação/cópia de situações do quotidiano, reduzidas à escala 1/60.
O projecto envolveu a pesquisa de miniaturas com mais de 25 anos, brinquedos que foram guardados este período, por encerrarem nelas próprias, pedaços de memórias de infâncias,
laços afectivos, ordens e desordens.
Ana Efe+All Brain expõem os vários invólucros, em que essas pessoas exportaram pedaços delas mesmas, salientando o cuidado no registo caligráfico e concepção desses mesmos invólucros, pois tão importante como o preço atribuído à memória, foi o cuidado posto, na elaboração da embalagem que permitiu exportar essa memória para outro País. Ao abrirmos cada “package” tornámo-nos espectadores de uma vida supostamente alheia, experimentamos expectativas em que se misturam emoções de alegrias e tristezas. Parece que, agora, finalmente o objecto entrou no seu repouso. A contrariedade entre coisa dormente e coisa acordada.
Como não nos deram poderes para interromper esse sono, limitámo-nos a expor os meios.

A instalação aglutina estas memórias que foram importadas com fragmentos de memórias dos autores.
Ana Efe+All Brain©2008

"roots of love"